The Neuroscience of Trust: From the Brain to the Boardroom

The Neuroscience of Trust: From the Brain to the Boardroom

…e average for front line employees. Uh oh. Remember you can get our latest white paper, The Neuroscience of Trust, and accompanying slides with speaker notes, by clicking on the button below. Organizational Vitality: The Neuroscience of Trust and Other Key Drivers of Performance That 21% trust gap between senior leaders and front line workers is only one of many fascinating findings from Six Seconds’ global survey of over 1600 employees worldwide….…Understanding the neuroscience of trust can help you develop healthy, trusting relationships at home and at work. Here’s how it works….

Emotional Intelligence and Collaboration in Health Care

Emotional Intelligence and Collaboration in Health Care

…6) Your Brain at Work. Harper-Collins 7 Fariselli, Freedman, Ghini (2006). White Paper: Increasing Emotional Intelligence ( 8 This sample consists of 321 healthcare professionals and senior managers from around the globe, from the SEI norm base in 2011-2012. SEI is a normed, validated assessment of emotional intelligence ( Freedman, Jensen, Ghini (2005), The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligenc……Collaboration has emerged as a critical “doorway” to positive outcomes in healthcare, but without emotional intelligence it’s nearly impossible to change from the old model — a little neuroscience shows why….

How to Improve Emotional Intelligence: Tips to Practice Awareness (updated)

How to Improve Emotional Intelligence: Tips to Practice Awareness (updated)

…of how to improve emotional intelligence. “In the office, keep a feelings whiteboard divided for 2-3 parts of the day – morning, noon, evening – and list six or eight feelings. Then ask people to check mark their feelings during the day. See where the max check marks land.” 10. Remind yourself, “Emotions are data.” Emotions are valuable data that help you see more clearly. When we stop fighting them, ignoring them, or feeling suffocated by them,……Want to know how to improve emotional intelligence? Here’s how to tune in to start, with downloadable resources + power tips from our certified practitioners all around the world on increasing self-awareness…

Staying Sharp: 5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Staying Sharp: 5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

…1. Dust off those workout clothes Breaking news: Exercise is good for you. White its wide-ranging benefits have been known for decades, the biological underpinnings have been difficult to explain. Now scientists think they have discovered one of the primary ways exercise leads to such diverse benefits as a better mood and lower rates of Alzheimer’s: it promotes the growth of new brain cells, especially in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the br……The dogma for decades was that adult brains couldn’t generate any new brain cells, but new evidence suggests the opposite. Here are 5 ways……

How Your Attachment Style Affects Your Relationship

How Your Attachment Style Affects Your Relationship

…them, we can navigate. By the way, your attachment style is not black and white. Attachment styles are a spectrum, and you may find yourself identifying with varying shades of gray. My partner and I are actually both primarily secure (and boost this by prioritizing healthy communication), but he has a tendency to be avoidant. I have a tendency to be anxious-resistant. Those very patterns that we saw in Ainsworth’s experiment with babies show up i……Learning your attachment style might completely change how you (and your partner) fight, play, and build a relationship….

Integrated Emotions: Feelings Are Allies

Integrated Emotions: Feelings Are Allies

…verse (a circle) is half and half… but not actually divided. The black and white are interlocked – they are one circle with two aspects. Emotions are signals – data about how we perceive opportunities and threats Click to tweet “Fear is a question: What are you afraid of, and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness, because illness contains information, your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them.” – Marilyn Ferguso……What if all our feelings had value? Many people see emotions as “good” or “bad” — which leaves us in a constant state of internal struggle against our own feelings. Here’s a framework to rethink feelings as valuable signals about what’s important….

The Princess with the Glass Heart

The Princess with the Glass Heart

…advice. I discovered just how therapeutic it was to put down in black and white exactly how I was feeling. I also wrote what I wanted to do about my crisis situation and anticipated some plans (set goals and objectives) for the future. Writing poetry was also recommended, but this turned out to bring a new kind of agony to me, so I abandoned this avenue of help. But for my son, writing poetry was very healing and he wrote volumes. It still makes…

Leaders Worth Following

Leaders Worth Following

…s shape the feelings of those who follow. (For research on this, here is a white paper on emotional contagion). Leading in Times of Challenge In a recent poll on our web site, we asked people “Compared to a ‘typical day’ a year ago, how’s your stress level now?” Most people are reporting higher stress – the two “higher” options are 42% more prevalent than the two “lower” options. While this is not a scientific poll, it’s a reminder that many peopl……What makes a leader into someone worth following? Is it their title? Their actions? Or maybe something more — something that is both rational and emotional….

Tech Is In Trouble: Will Return to Office Mandates Make it Even Worse?

Tech Is In Trouble: Will Return to Office Mandates Make it Even Worse?

…policy, joked in a viral LinkedIn post that these RTO mandates from mostly white, male, work-obsessed leaders are “based on a highly reliable source: their feelings.” In many cases, that seems true. Shifting economic conditions could also be playing a role. Dr. Grace Lordan, associate professor in behavioral science at the London School of Economics, told Business Insider that he sees CEOs simply taking advantage of a more business-friendly labor……Tech workers are burnt out and unhappy, but tech CEOs are doubling down on return-to-office mandates anyway….

Does Hybrid Work Have to Be the Worst of Both Worlds?

Does Hybrid Work Have to Be the Worst of Both Worlds?

…ged,” says Derek Thompson, staff writer at The Atlantic. “A large share of white collar workers are simply never going to think of the office the way they did in 2019, ever again. They will think of it as something optional, part-time, that they do on a hybrid basis.” As a leader, how does that make you feel? Are you ready to handle the increased emotional complexity that hybrid work presents, and is it possible to honor employees’ desires for aut……Here are 3 tips for using empathy and emotional intelligence to create remote work policies that prioritize employees’ wellbeing….

What Are Biodots and How Do You Use Them?

What Are Biodots and How Do You Use Them?

…Biodot?” “How many have a green dot?” etc. You can keep a scorecard on the whiteboard. Since green represents an optimal learning state, this is particularly useful if you want people engaged in content. Use Biodots as a tool to practice relaxation and stress reduction. Biodots can help illustrate choice and control with emotional states. In a workshop or training, for example, pass out Biodots, then ask everyone to write or discuss a challenging……Biodots are a low-cost, easy way to help your clients become more self-aware – here’s how to use them….

SEL & Equity in Higher Education (#18)

SEL & Equity in Higher Education (#18)

…f you don’t have social emotional equity, you’re making decisions based on white privilege, you’re projecting micro aggressions on students, and have implicit and explicit biases that you’re not even cognizant of” – @kelisa_l2teach Click to tweet “Higher Ed is not defending the status quo, it IS the status quo. If the system remains the same, we are all swimming upstream” – Susan Charles, Ed. D., of @NotreDameCA Click to tweet “Students need to re……For equity in college and higher education, what social emotional learning skills are needed? What will support the dialogue, awareness & empathy needed to build communities of equity?…

Empathy Is the Future of Work

Empathy Is the Future of Work

…the next wave, driven by advanced machine learning AI, and it’s coming for white collar professionals’ jobs – accountants, sales reps, data analysts, even lawyers and doctors. “Jobs that we thought were safe,” says New York Times columnist Kevin Roose. Is your job safe? In this new wave of AI and automation, what can you do to make yourself irreplaceable? That’s the subject of Roose’s latest book, Futureproof: 9 Rules for Humans in the Age of Auto……As AI replaces knowledge workers across industries, social and emotional skills will be what separates the top performers…

EQ Coaching: When Clients Score ‘Too High’

EQ Coaching: When Clients Score ‘Too High’

…ularly since the SEI is linked to real-life outcomes (see the EQ & Success White Paper explaining how EQ predicts effectiveness, wellbeing, quality of life and relationships) it would be easy for a coach who’s a Certified EQ Assessor or Certified EQ Coach to help a client create awareness and then quickly build a powerful plan of action. Watch Out for Your Negativity Bias But what happens in a profile like this one where the scores are “all good”?……How do coaches effectively work with clients when ‘everything is fine’? 10 strengths-based EQ strategies….

Peter Salovey

Peter Salovey

…d and tested the concept of emotional intelligence; they wrote the seminal papers in the field in the early 1990s that launched the international scientific EQ movement. Dr. Salovey is now President of Yale University, as well as Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology and former chair of the Psychology Department at Yale. He has written or edited eight books and has authored more than 200 scientific publications – including The Wisdom in Feelings,…

Joanna Brewster, ACC

Joanna Brewster, ACC

…that connect us or allow us to learn from others experience. I have created two short videos: one about finding my voice, and one about being a white mom of bi-racial children. What would your story be about?…