Joshua Freedman
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The Neuroscience of Chai: Overcoming My Own Obstinance

The Neuroscience of Chai: Overcoming My Own Obstinance

Why do we sometimes take risks to learn, but other times we’re so determined to stay “right”? Zooming into the neurobiology, in a sense we have a tug-of-war between the striatum and the amygdala, between opportunity and risk. It’s just like trying Chai for the first time on the steamy streets of Kuala Lumpur.

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Getting Off the Trouble Train

Getting Off the Trouble Train

“Have you ever found yourself in the middle a situation and you know it will to turn into a big mess? You can feel it slipping out of control… and yet you keep going. It’s as if you’re being pushed along this track; you know it’s going to lead to trouble, but it seems like there’s no choice.”

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Decoding Emotions

Decoding Emotions

Smarter About Feelings: Part Two . Part One introduced the idea of becoming smarter about feelings — and how that can help you (kids) get more of what you want… and less of what you don’t want!  In that article I promised that I’d also write more about emotions and the meaning behind our feelings.  […]

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Smarter About Feelings

Smarter About Feelings

When I was a kid, no one taught me about emotions. They’re so powerful! And such a big part of our lives… here are the most important ideas every kid (and adult) needs to know about feelings.

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The Algebra of Coaching 🌱 Through Challenge

The Algebra of Coaching 🌱 Through Challenge

When people face emotional challenges, it’s… well… emotional. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by big feelings of fear & distress, and while sometimes psychological help is needed, most of the time some basic EQ coaching techniques make a big difference. Here’s how.

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