“Emotional intelligence is the capacity to blend thinking and feeling to make optimal decisions — which is key to having a successful relationship with yourself and others..” ~ Joshua Freedman

Navigate Emotions Definition: Assessing, harnessing, and transforming emotions as a strategic resource.

Importance: By learning to transform emotions as a strategic resource, we can become more aware, balanced and purposeful. Instead of thinking of emotions as something bad that we have to suppress, we can begin to treat all of our emotions, even challenging ones like anger, as invaluable data helping us to be our best selves. We can turn something often seen as an adversary and make it into an ally.

Example: Imagine you are stuck in traffic. running late, and feeling frustrated. Someone is trying to get over into your lane, and you catch yourself mumbling something negative about them. Then you say to yourself, “It’s not his fault. I am frustrated because I am running late and stuck in traffic.” And oddly, this simple admission makes you feel a lot better. By saying to yourself what you are feeling, you have lessened the power of the emotion, and brought the emotional and cognitive together. Instead of admonishing yourself for feeling frustrated, you simply acknowledge the emotion, and as a result make it your ally.

Navigating emotions helps you take ownership of your life. By fulling integrating your thinking and feeling, you are able to make optimal decisions – which is key to having a successful relationship with yourself and others.

The Components of Navigate Emotions

Assess: The first step of navigating emotions is to assess what you are feeling. Identifying or naming emotions, to yourself or aloud, can add some needed clarity to this step.

Harness: Recognize that there are not good or bad emotions: emotions are data. Taking the step back from “I am frustrated…” to “I am feeling frustrated…” helps provide space and lessens the power of the emotion. Recognize that the emotion is temporary and providing you valuable information about yourself and the world.

Transform: The emotion, however difficult, is now your ally. It has sent you data about the world, which you have accepted and can now use to be more aware and purposeful. 



Emotional Intelligence Articles about Navigate Emotions

Harnessing Emotional Intelligence: How Sara Canna Supports Employees and Transforms People’s Lives at the World Health Organization (WHO) (9/25/2024) by Maddalena Campitelli - Emotional intelligence is more than just a buzzword—it’s a transformative tool that can reshape how we navigate challenges, build relationships, and thrive in demanding environments. Discover how Sara Canna brought EQ to the World Health Organization, empowering employees to manage change, stress, and personal growth. ...
Manage Your Emotions with Daily Journaling Want to Manage Your Emotions More Effectively? Find Time to Journal About Challenging Experiences (8/5/2024) by Michael Miller - Daily journaling to reframe unpleasant events can significantly reduce depressive symptoms, lessen stress, and increase life satisfaction. ...
Coaching Through the Emotional Recession: Three Practical Tips for Trauma-Informed Coaching (5/1/2024) by Joshua Freedman - World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in March 2021, “When there is mass trauma, it affects communities for many years to come.”  While coaching isn’t a “treatment” for trauma, in the Emotional Recession we’re facing now, chances are, your clients, colleagues, and you are carrying more trauma than 4 years ago. What do we do as coaches? ...
Knowing Isn’t Coaching: Three Emotional Intelligence Tools for Professional Coaches (4/3/2024) by Joshua Freedman - Here's how to use emotional intelligence to break out of a fixed mindset of "knowing the answer" and make your own (difficult) emotions an ally as a coach. ...
Coaching Down the Escalator: 3 Emotional Intelligence Tips for Coaches to Reduce Volatility & De-escalate Conflict in a Polarized World (3/6/2024) by Joshua Freedman - As people become more volatile around us, our brains’ natural response is to also become more reactive. Coaching provides a perfect opportunity to step out of this cycle of escalation, but it’s a difficult emotional puzzle; here's a map of the process with three emotional intelligence tips for coaches. ...
When Change Fails: Tips for Coaching with Emotional Intelligence (1/3/2024) by Joshua Freedman - Sometimes change is easy, but when we get stuck, big, difficult feelings emerge. While some coaches are ill-equipped to engage those challenging feelings, it’s a prime opportunity for transformational coaching. ...
Navigate Emotions in the Six Seconds Model of EQ (7/20/2023) by Michael Miller - Managing emotions could be helpful... but that implies stuffing them away. How can we HARNESS the wisdom and power of feelings to help us move? ...
12 Practical Tips for Emotional Wellbeing by Being Smarter with Feelings (6/19/2023) by Joshua Freedman - Are you fighting against your own feelings? There's a better way to handle emotions to support wellbeing -- 12 easy ways to practice emotional intelligence ...
When You Don’t Click with Your Coworker (11/8/2021) by Michael Miller - What can you do? Emotional intelligence tips to build bridges and collaborate better even when it's challenging. ...
Getting Unstuck: The Power of Naming Emotions (1/8/2021) by Michael Miller - Traffic is always stressful, right? Turns out, there's a secret neuroscience tip about naming emotions that can help. It's simple and powerful. ...

Click here for more Navigate Emotions articles on our site

Recommended Tools

eMotion Cards: The Emotion Cards are an engaging, easy to use, interactive activity. The cards encourage you to Evoke, Explore, Express, and Expand the world of feelings.
Wild Ride to the Heart: A fun, engaging game that helps children learn about their different emotions (feelings) and how to better manage them by going to the heart.
Mixed Emotions: A tool that helps you make decisions, solve problems, resolve conflicts, and more.
Biodots: Biodots change color depending on a person’s stress level – a vivid demonstration of the mind-body connection!
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