Emotional Intelligence at Work:

4 Ways to Measure Emotional Intelligence for Leaders, Teams and Organizations

By Michael Miller, April 2022

How can you measure emotional intelligence and increase performance at work? Here are 4 emotional intelligence assessments to achieve different business objectives. This is the browser version of Six Seconds’ monthly newsletter, Emotional Intelligence at Work. You can sign up with the form below to receive the newsletter.

How Does Your Emotional Intelligence Impact Others?
SEI 360 Provides Invaluable Data for Leaders

The SEI 360 is a multi-rater feedback tool that provides data on how your emotional intelligence is showing up and impacting others. It’s the perfect assessment for leaders seeking transformative, in-depth development.

Emotional Intelligence Feedback for Managers

Insights for People Management is a workbook and training for managers to increase self-awareness, build confidence, and improve people management skills.

Measure a Team or Organization’s Climate

Get valuable data. How many people are Engaged, Neutral or Disengaged? How’s the Trust level? Identify key areas for growth with Six Seconds’ Vital Signs assessments for teams, leaders and organizations.

Introduce Emotional Intelligence with Brain Styles

The Brain Brief Profile provides a snapshot of a person’s style for processing emotional and cognitive data and using emotional intelligence. A perfect introductory tool.

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