Identify Your Most
Fulfilling Career

A 4-Step Guide for Women to Gain Clarity



You know you want a career that feels meaningful, impactful, and purposeful, but how do you go about choosing the right one? Angela Giacoumis, executive coach and emotional intelligence expert shares her actionable steps for identifying a career in which you can flourish.

“You matter. If you want a career that gives you fulfillment, take time to invest in yourself.” -Angela Giacoumis, executive coach and emotional intelligence expert

People are most satisfied with their work when there is a fundamental match in values between the employer and  themselves– so says Harvard professor Arthur C. Brooks based on decades of studies. But how do you identify that job? Emotional intelligence expert and executive coach Angela Giacoumis shares with us her advice for women looking to identify their most meaningful job.

Four Steps to Identify Your Most Fulfilling Career:

1. Know yourself. Ask yourself these questions: What are your skills and talents? Your unique perspective? What are you good at? Answering these will help give you a sense of where you view your strengths and where that might match up with a career.

2. Identify what you want. Ask yourself: What do I truly want? In a dream world, what would I be doing? Answering these questions will give you an idea of what types of careers you would be most interested in.

3. Match it all up. How do your skills and talents match what you’re interested in and passionate about? Finding a match between what you have to offer and what you want is the sweet spot to identifying a fulfilling career.

4. Go after it with confidence. The biggest thing that holds women back mid career, Angela says, is their lack of optimism. Believe in yourself. Consider that men will often apply for jobs they are not qualified for and women do not. Challenge these self-limiting beliefs by reminding yourself of your values and your unique perspectives.


Interview Preparation Sheet

Now that you know what career you want, prepare for the interview! Fill out your prep sheet with questions & prompts the night before your interview to feel mentally and emotionally clear. Get it in your inbox now!

Remind yourself of your strengths, and take one small action every day to move you closer to what you want. Going after a fulfilling career may sound daunting, but it’s a process. Identifying and obtaining what you really want is an active practice in investing in yourself.

Maria Jackson