Mark Harrison

Mark Harrison Advisory Board

Mark Harrison, M.A., M.B.A, is an expert on business strategy & product innovation focused on consumer internet. After earning his MA in Economics from Washington University in St. Louis, then MBA with Distinction at Harvard, Mark served on a range of strategy, payments, and innovation projects at Boston Consulting Group and BCG Digital Ventures. He went on to run Corporate Strategy & New Ventures for PayPal and the Mobile business for eBay, N. America. 

Mark became interested in human behavior as a student of Sociology, Literature, pre-med/Psych and Economics.  His interest in emotional intelligence was spurred by joining Six Seconds “Practitioner Certification” in 2003 (taught by Josh!) which had a profound impact on his worldview – both internally and externally. He now is working to learn more by practicing & spreading EQ in various coaching roles — from supporting kids & community in little league & soccer, to advising execs and serving on boards for innovative companies. 
For Six Seconds, Mark brings strategy, operations & innovation expertise in support of our “noble goal” of having 1 billion people practicing emotional intelligence worldwide. 

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