Anke Breternitz

Anke Breternitz EQ Biz Consultant, Europe

My Noble Goal is... “Inspire to trust & Trust to inspire”

My work is about... Supporting Leaders and organizations to increase overall Employee Engagement by using Emotional Intelligence, helping them to find solutions and a strategy to create a workplace where people are self-motivated and supporting success. 

Professional accomplishments include...

...28 year + of professional experience in a Fortune 100 international company. I worked as a Communications Manager, Project Manager, Human Resource Process Specialist, Senior Executive Assistant, Trainer, Mentor, Coach. I supported leaders and organizations in People Development topics, Talent Management, Change Management, Executive Training in Self Marketing, Recruitment and Onboarding Processes, Project Management, Communication execution and Strategies, Employee Surveys, Event Management.

...In 2018 I started my own business “Anke Breternitz Coaching”

I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve their goals and aspirations. As a passionate EQ business coach, I strive to help my clients unlock this potential and grow both professionally and personally. Through my years of experience in corporate environments, I understand the challenges that leaders and teams face in today's fast-paced world. Authenticity is key to success in any business or personal endeavour, and I believe that emotional intelligence is a critical component in achieving this authenticity. My coaching approach is grounded in scientifically proven EQ-assessments that allow me to tailor my coaching to the individual needs of each client.

...To offer the best possible service to my coachees I studied: Personal and Business Coaching, did the whole pathway with six seconds as an Emotional Intelligence Coach & hold a Certification in Business Vital Signs and recently I also became a Resilience Coach

Favorite... I love Nordic walking and usually singing in the fields, I am crazy about lemons and be super excited when my coachees have their AHA moments!

I'd love to talk to you about ... when can you be the best version of yourself? When do you feel safe? When can you expand your full potential? How can EQ support you?

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